DR Congo

Hidden Precious jewels exist in the Democratic Republic of Congo in form of brimming and riveting tourism attractions. This country burgeons with pristine and luxuriant forests, water resources, wildlife species especially primates (Congo is a home to at least 3 sub-species of gorillas i.e. western lowland gorillas, eastern lowland gorillas and the mountain gorillas), several national Parks with 5 of them being UNESCO World Heritage Sites and several species of birds. The list is endless. It is undeniable that this country is a biodiversity hotspot and naturally endowed.

If not for the conflicts resulting from rebel activities in the country, the country would have been the first African destination. What this country holds is remarkable and unbelievable, and most of the attractions still remain unexplored and undiscovered. Imagine a country that has everything a tourist needs to achieve a memorable experience. Is it waterfalls, forest reserves, national Parks, wildlife, volcanoes, lakes and rivers and beautiful cities? All these can be seen in the Democratic Republic of Congo. When you visit this country, you will be moved by everything is offers. However the most popular and extraordinary attraction in this country are the gorillas. Below is the list of the best attractions to see in Congo;

Mountain gorillas in Virunga National Park

Virunga National Park was gazetted in 1925, and is one of the oldest parks in Africa. The main aim of its establishment was to conserve the critically endangered mountain gorillas and currently 200 mountain gorillas call the jungles of Virunga home. There are currently 8 gorilla groups open for trackers, and tracking in this park offers a more riveting experience because few tourists visit the Park. The largest gorilla group is Kabirizi that is comprised of over 32 members including 1 silverback (Kabirizi), 11 adult females, 4 sub-adult, 1 blackback, 5 juveniles and 10 infants.

Virunga National Park covers an area of 7900 square kilometers and forms part of the Virunga Conservation area that comprises of Uganda’s Mgahinga National Park and Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park. For the past years, the Eastern side of Congo has been affected by insecurity, which also affected gorilla tourism in this Park. Another notable creature unique to this Park is the Okapi endangered mammal specie that looks like a crossbreed of zebras and giraffes.

For tourists planning for a gorilla trekking safari to Congo, it is important to carry a long trouser, long shirts, hiking boots, non flash cameras, and insect repellants among others and should be physically fit and ready to hike through areas of high elevations.

Eastern Lowland gorillas of Kahuzi-Beiga National Park

Kahuzi-Beiga National Park is one of the National Parks that host the Eastern Lowland Gorillas, the largest species of the four sub-specie of gorillas. It is situated in the Southern Kivu Province stretching from River Congo Basin to Bukavu. The Democratic Republic of Congo is the only place where the largest species of gorillas can be seen. This is even another reason for visiting Congo for a gorilla trekking safari. The eastern lowland gorillas are stronger, have stock bodies and short hands that differentiate them from the other sub-species of gorillas.

Mount Nyiragongo for hiking

If you are about to leave Congo without visiting and hiking the Volcano that dominates the skyline of Goma, then you are about to miss a once in a lifetime opportunity. This active stratovolcano is found within the Virunga National Park, approximately 20kms North of Goma town and Lake Kivu, and stands at 11,380 feet above sea level making it to be 7th highest Volcano in the Virunga Massif. Hiking this Volcano leads tourists to the Crater Lake of 2 kilometers on its summit. From 1882, this Volcano has erupted 34 times and the recent time it erupted was 17th January 2002 leading to displacement of 500,000 people. The most spectacular and memorable moment of hiking this Volcano is watching the great red and yellow light of the Lava mixing with the blue color of the sky hence creating a unique display.

Salonga National Park

This National Park is situated in the Heart of the Central basin of the Congo River and measures an area of 33,350 square kilometers making it the largest forest National Park in DRC and Africa in general, and the second largest in the entire world after Brazil’s Tumucumaque National Park. The National Park is known for the Indigenous Congo Peacock, dwarf chimpanzees, bonobos, the African slender-snouted crocodile (or the false crocodile) and the forest elephants. This Park was created in 1970 and declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984.due to its remoteness, it can only be accessed by air or water.

In conclusion, besides the negative publicity and the bad image that is portrayed of the Democratic Republic of Congo, it is an endowed country with numerous attractions including mountain gorillas, eastern lowland gorillas and the Okapi among others. Visit this greatly unexplored destination and achieve a memorable experience.